Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Bogor Botanical Garden

Regions with an area 87 hectares has been established since year 1817 on the initiative of Sir Stamford Raffles, a British national who served as governor of Java. Trees in this area was already hundreds of years. So no wonder if all the trees here have a big trunk and reach tens of meters high. On each tree, placed a label containing the name of the tree and when trees are planted start. Thus, in addition to travel, we can also identify the trees that we may not know before.

Many types of plants here. Tour while introducing the types of plants to the child - children. It's a beautiful flower garden, complete with water fountains. There are suspension bridge, there is a beautiful cactus garden. Nah place - this place was never my previous visit, if only walking. Inside the park there are also museums Zoology, with a ticket to pay Rp 1,000 / person we can enter this museum. In it there is a replica of a giant whale bone, a variety of butterfly and other animals preserved. Also there is the orchid house collect many orchid plants (ticket price Rp 2,000). Still in the City, we can also find the Bogor Palace. However, to be able to see the palace in Bogor, we must participate in the group of booking and must be previously.

Still in the park there is also a cafe called Cafe De Daunan. This cafe has a quite beautiful scenery, and visited quite a lot, even by the foreign tourists. However, the price of food and drink is quite expensive, like a cafe in general.
A large tree in the City is making the air cool and rich in oxygen. There are more than 17,000 species including the type of the rare orchid flowers. Trees that are here not only from domestic bersal but many of them came from abroad. Which is always interesting to see is the dead time of the flower (Rafflesia Arnoldi). This flower is unique because of the large size and flowering will be issued when the stench so called carrion flower.

Here we can see the green area of the calm that we rarely find in big cities. Birds singing voice that can also listen to us. To add beauty, there is also a swimming-pool water with a shower, so that we can hear the sound gemericik water. For you to bring the children, this place is perfect because there are many parks so that the wide daughter your son can play freely. For example, park near the lotus pond is a favorite place for families to play with their children. There are also roads that resemble long corridor with large trees on the left and right. Chairs on the tree has become a comfortable place after the go around the region.

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