Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Traditional Village (Kampung Naga)

Kampung Naga is a village with a traditional area of approximately 4 ha. Location Kampung Naga tourism segment is located on the main road that connects Tasikmalaya - Bandung Garut through, that is more or less on the 30 kilometers to the city to the West Tasikmalaya. Administratively, including Kampung Naga village Legok Dage Village Neglasari District Salawu Kabupaten Tasikmalaya. Tourism attractions in Kampung Naga is situated on the unique life of the community that is located in Kampung Naga is.
Their lives can berbaur with the modern community, is Islam, but still strong memlihara Customs leluhurnya. Like many traditional ceremony, the ceremony day besr Islamic ritual, for example months or Alif Mulud with implementing Pedaran (reading History fathers) The process begins with a bath in the river and Ciwulan Travelers can follow the event with the requirements must be abiding in the rule there. Building in the village of Naga good home, mosque, patemon (meeting hall) and rice. Its roof made from sago palm leaves, coconut leaves, or injuk pillars as cover. Wall of the house and other buildings, made of plaited bamboo (chamber). Meanwhile the door of the building and all the fiber rattan building facing North or South. In addition, piles of stones arranged neatly with the layout and is a natural characteristic of the architecture and ornament honorable Naga village. Tourism is one of cultural tourism in Tasikmlaya Travelers usually have a special interest and want to know that is proving a real situation tesebut. Development of tourism in the village of Naga jangkuan including the development of short-term.

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