Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Melak is the biggest city upriver of Mahakam River, this famous town with 'Cagar Nam Anggrek Kersik Luwai' where about 72 different orchid species has grew in this place include a real rareness orchid 'Cologenia Pandurata'. Nicest time to see orchid in this place is in January and February. The location of orchid garden is about 16 Km from Melak, which is reachable with renting vehicle of jeep or motorcycle. Various event of interesting customs is frequently performed in Melak like marriage ceremony, healing, death, buffalo cut ceremony and others. Healing ceremony, which is often performed usually in each March, April and June. The regional around Melak, in west side of Mahakam River, be plateau area (plateau) where in adjoining there is Barong Tongkok village, which is reachable by joining with others motorcycle or minibus public transport. This public vehicle would continuously finite to Eheng. In Barong Tongkok is available booth and Putri Tanjung Hotel. In Eheng there is an original long house, property of local public. It is told original, because this customhouse being built in 1960 still be dwelt by 32 Dayak Banuaq families. The possibilities of this long house become the last Dayak ash customhouse that built without subsidy from government.

Between Barong Tongkok and Eheng that is in Mencimai there is a museum agriculture of Dayak public that built by agricultural economy student from Japan who interesting with the public culture. In this museum is explained for example way of Dayak publics hunt animal (pig and monkey) in forest, way of collecting made, and way of making clothes from bark. This Museum also has collection of weapon mandau and tool from cane.

Long Iram is a calm village and peace. Here there are a number of omission buildings in colonial period. This village usually becomes perambulation end point Mahakam River. The journey farther upstream from this Long Iram has been difficult to be done by the river condition that is not enables to be passed by speedboat. But if the condition is enable farther upstream journey able to be done. Not far from Long Iram (3 Km) there is Gap Lake where you can explore the lake that become monkey habitat by rent some ships, which available. From Gap Lake journey can be continued to Tering - ama where there is a real impressing church.

If the condition has enable you can continue the farther upstream journey, hence the interesting place, which can be visited after Long Iram is Datah Bilang. This area is Dayak Kenyah tribe public region who believing in Protestant Christian moving to this area in 1970 from their area before in Apokayan. The Dayak Kenyah woman in this place have long ear because decorate by a decoration as ballast.

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