Friday, March 13, 2009

Mount Burangrang

This mountain, 2064 meters high above sea level. Located in North Bandung Area (units), separated by a large valley with Mount Tangkubanparahu. Burangrang including parasites old volcano, so that has valleys and in the slice with a steep slope. In Sangkuriang legend, the mountain was of branches (rangrang) Sangkuriang tree used to make boats. Will be angry at the failure, Sangkuriang kick the boat up to reincarnate as Mount Tangkubanparahu, while the tree branches and blossom as the Mount Burangrang.

Climbing to the mountain this can be done from the Bandung and Purwakarta. If the climb from Bandung, we can select multiple channels, including through the Yellow Sands, Legok Haji Lawang Wind or path. Path-the path that consists of paths that split up in the forest and common finish in two to three hours travel. Be careful, a lot of dangerous terrain and thick fog can appear hinder your view.

Burangrang peak marked with a monument (a point of height). From the peak, if the weather is not sunny and hazy, you can see the stunning scenery to the Situ Lembang only visible as a small pool in the middle of the basin is surrounded mountains. Basin is not used to the point of bursting a very broad (kaldera) from the ancient volcano called Gunung Sunda. So, mountain fortify Situ Lembang crater wall is generated by a tremendous explosion. You have to enjoy them because what you see is a rare scene that is not visible to everyone. Enjoy while you breathe in fresh oxygen mountains.

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